vie en ville

vie en ville

The stories here take a closer look at day to day life in our new French alpine home. How we spend our time, how we get around, even how we buy our groceries - it's all shaped by the built environment around us. Some experiences are comfortably familiar. It's a joy to recognize the things we all share in common. Others aspects of our new life contrast sharply with our American Midwest roots. In these differences, we're exploring a different kind and quality of life than was possible before. Through the lens of a professional urban planner, City Life examines topics of infrastructure, design, community, and more.

The stories here take a closer look at day to day life in our new French alpine home. How we spend our time, how we get around, even how we buy our groceries - it's all shaped by the built environment around us. Some experiences are comfortably familiar. It's a joy to recognize the things we all share in common. Others aspects of our new life contrast sharply with our American Midwest roots. In these differences, we're exploring a different kind and quality of life than was possible before. Through the lens of a professional urban planner, City Life examines topics of infrastructure, design, community, and more.


Quam viverra orci sagittis eu. Lacus vestibulum sed arcu non odio.
